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Master of Agribusiness

Master of AgribusinessEconomic Issues in the Global Animal Health IndustryAnimal Health CohortManhattan Cohort

Master of Agribusiness

More than 25 years building agribusiness,
one leader at a time.

The Kansas State University Master of Agribusiness program is an online
business-focused master’s degree built around the busy lives of food, animal health and agribusiness professionals. The innovative online delivery of the program breaks down barriers associated with earning a master’s degree such as access to a university campus, job changes, relocations, and job-related travel. Our program is structured to appeal to professionals employed in all segments of the industry, and is geared toward adult learners.

Not an MBA in agribusiness, and not an M.S. in Agricultural Economics, but a professional degree program training managers for one of the most rapidly changing industries today.

The program consists of 36 hours of coursework plus a six hour thesis for a total of 42 credit hours for the degree. The first two years, students come to campus for one week to begin new sets of courses.They return for a second week to take finals and give presentations. The rest of the year, courses are completely at a distance via the internet, flashdrives, email and live recitation sessions.

Advising Appointments:

As you consider your next steps, let's schedule an advising appointment so we can learn more about you and where you would like to go with the skills learned in the MAB. Schedule an Advising Appointment. 

Important Federal Student Aid Update: Starting with the Spring 2024 semester, students enrolled in K-State’s Master of Agribusiness (MAB) program are no longer eligible for federal, Title IV, forms of student financial assistance such as the Federal Direct Unsubsidized and/or the Federal Graduate PLUS Loan program. This change is being made to keep the flexibility and convenience of the schedule offered by the Master of Agribusiness program for adult learners. Ineligibility for federal forms of student aid is premised solely on the calendar structure of the program’s start and end dates for course work and is not premised in any manner on the program’s educational quality.

Students engaged in the Dual Masters of Agribusiness (MAB) – Professional Master of Business Administration (PMBA) program should note that only course work required for the completion of the PMBA portion may be utilized in calculating a student’s federal aid eligibility.

Important - Students in educational programs that are not eligible for federal forms of financial assistance, such as the MAB program remain eligible for other, non-federal forms of aid such as private/commercial educational loans and scholarship opportunities.

Students requiring some non-federal form of student loan assistance are encouraged to visit K-State’s Office of Student Financial Assistance’s at: https://www.k-state.edu/sfa/scholarships-aid/loans/private/

For additional student aid information, we encourage you to contact K-State’s Office of Student Financial Assistance at finaid@k-state.edu


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