Student Learning Outcomes
Department/Program: AgEcon
Degree program: Master of Agribusiness
1. List the student learning outcomes that were assessed during the academic year, including those for which data were gathered as well as those for which developmental work was done, such as the creation or piloting of assessment measures.
Learning outcome 1) Demonstrate the creation of knowledge through the application of cutting edge theory and methods
Skills to be assessed:
- Ability to conduct independent research
- Application of economic and business theory
Learning outcome 2) Demonstrate the integration of modern business decisions and information technology into daily business challenges
Skills to be assessed:
- Oral communication
- Written communication
- Professional judgment
2. For each learning outcome, describe the measures used, the sample of students from whom data were collected, the timetable for the collection, and the forum in which the measures were administered.
Direct Measure/Learning Outcome 1:
The thesis is a direct measure of each student’s ability to conduct independent research as well as an avenue for application of concepts, knowledge and theory. In several of the MAB courses students complete course projects. Those courses include: AGEC 761, Optimization Techniques for Agribusiness, AGEC 760 Econometrics in Agribusiness and AGEC 770, International Agribusiness and Policy Analysis. The projects are an opportunity for students to do research, apply the theory from each specific course and demonstrate the applicability of learned concepts to their own business situation.
Direct Measure/Learning Outcome 2:
An external Industry Advisory Board reviewed the curriculum and results from the student survey during their 2007 annual meeting. During the fall 2007 meeting the board also reviewed the results from a survey to all MAB students in years 2000 – 2006. The results of this survey are included in a paper published in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
Indirect Measure/Learning Outcome 1 & 2:
Exit survey for MAB students. Each student who graduates from the MAB program is sent a confidential survey pertaining to the program. The survey is administered and results are collected and compiled in each semester.
An additional survey of all MAB students in years 2000 – 2006 were summarized in 2006. The results of this survey are included in a paper published in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
Alignment Matrix – For each stated student learning outcome, where does the student have the opportunity to learn the outcome and where is student achievement of the outcome is assessed?
SLO/Required | AGEC 740 | AGEC 701 | AGEC 761 | Other | Other | Thesis |
Degree program Slo’s |
Demonstrate the creation of knowledge through the application of cutting edge theory and methods Skills to be assessed:
| X | X | A | A | A | A |
Demonstrate he integration of modern business decisions and information technology into daily business challenges Skills to be assessed:
| X | A | A | A | A |
University Slo’s |
Knowledge | X | X | A | A | A | A |
Critical thinking | X | X | A | A | A | A |
Communication | X | X | A | A | A | A |
Diversity |
| X | X |
| A |
Academic and professional integrity | X | X | X |
| A | A |
Place an “X” for courses or experiences in which students have the opportunity to learn the outcome.
Place an “A” for courses or experiences in which student performance is used for program level assessment of the outcome.
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes Summary
The Master of Agribusiness program developed student learning outcomes in 2004 and has been evaluating those outcomes annually. We survey each graduate to collect and compile survey responses. The survey information from students provides insight as to whether the Master of Agribusiness program is effectively teaching decision making and communication skills to our professional students. This insight causes us to look at the curriculum and specific course projects as they relate to meeting the needs our students face within industry. The survey information also allows us to examine the thesis project from the student’s perspective. Additionally at our annual Industry Advisory Board meeting, current Master of Agribusiness students participate by providing insight and feedback regarding the program from their perspective. This information allows us to evaluate the program from a current student perspective.
The survey results from 2000 – 2006 have been published in a journal article, shared with industry leaders through individual presentations and discussed at our annual MAB industry advisory board meeting in 2007.